ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Research Progress on Reducing Metal Artifacts in CT Imaging

  • 摘要: 颅内动脉瘤栓塞术、口腔金属置入物、脊柱内固定物以及髋关节置换术等金属置入物在临床中的应用日益增加。采用CT图像对金属置入物术后患者进行评估时产生的金属伪影会使CT图像无法清晰显示金属-骨界面及邻近的组织结构,影响医生诊断的精准性。随着CT的发展,去金属伪影技术和虚拟单能量成像技术等手段有助于减少CT图像中的金属伪影,深度学习重建算法和光子计数CT的出现为金属置入物术后的精准评估提供更加可靠的依据。本文就减少CT图像中金属伪影的研究进展作一综述。


    Abstract: Intracranial aneurysm embolization, oral metal implants, spinal internal fixation, hip replacement, and other metal implants are increasingly used in clinical practice. Metal artifacts generated by computed tomography (CT) images during the evaluation of patients after placement of metal implants will prevent CT images from clearly showing the metal–bone interface and the adjacent tissue structure, which affects the accuracy of doctors' diagnosis. With the development of CT, metal artifact reduction technology and virtual monoenergetic imaging technology are helpful to reduce metal artifacts in CT imaging. The emergence of deep learning reconstruction algorithms and photon counting CT provides a more reliable basis for the accurate evaluation of metal implants after surgery. This paper reviews the progress of research on reducing metal artifacts in CT imaging.


