ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Imaging Bone Metastases: Research Progress

  • 摘要: 骨是恶性肿瘤常见的转移部位,骨转移瘤的发生率高于原发性骨肿瘤。近年来,各种恶性肿瘤患者的5年生存率逐渐提高,骨转移及骨骼相关事件发生的概率也有所增大。及时、准确地诊断骨转移以及治疗反应评估对临床制定个性化治疗方案、改善患者生存质量至关重要。本文对肿瘤骨转移诊断的影像学检查技术进行综述,探讨影像学新技术对肿瘤骨转移诊断的可行性。


    Abstract: Bone is a common site for cancer metastasis, with a higher incidence than primary bone malignancies. As various cancer treatment regimens continue to improve, the five-year survival rate for cancer patients has risen steadily. However, this has also led to an increased likelihood of bone metastasis and skeletal-related events. Timely and accurate diagnosis of bone metastases, along with proper assessment of therapeutic response, is crucial for developing personalized treatment plans and improving patient survival. This paper reviews current imaging examinations for bone metastases, and explores the potential of new imaging techniques for diagnosing tumor-related bone metastases.


