ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Study on Nondestructive Testing of Source Factors of Tunnel Arch Quality

  • 摘要: 为在隧道仰拱质量检测中获取高能、高频且宽频带的地震信号,本文基于有限元仿真研究锤击震源的质量、速度以及接触面积对地震波的影响。研究表明:随着重锤质量增大锤击信号的振幅线性增大,主频降低,频带宽度显著增大;随着锤击瞬时速度增大锤击信号振幅线性增大,主频略微上升,频带宽度变化规律不明显;随着重锤与地面接触面积增大,锤击信号振幅增加,主频和频宽基本不变,但高频分量能量衰减、频宽变窄。根据上述研究设计小型一体式圆头重锤并开展无损检测实验,研究表明该重锤能获得高质量地震信号,实现隧道仰拱底界面探测成像,且成像结果与实际施工情况基本吻合。本文将震源研究拓展至隧道仰拱领域,可为隧道仰拱无损检测提供参考。


    Abstract: To obtain high-energy, high-frequency, and wide-band seismic signals in tunnel arch quality testing, the influence on seismic waves of the mass, velocity, and contact area of the hammer source was studied based on a finite element simulation. The results show that with the increase in mass of the hammer, the amplitude of the hammer signal increases linearly, the main frequency decreases, and the frequency band width increases significantly. With the increase in the instantaneous velocity of the hammering, the amplitude of the hammer signal increases linearly, the main frequency increases slightly, and the frequency bandwidth does not change significantly. With the increase in the contact area between the hammer and the ground, the amplitude of the hammer signal increases, and the main frequency and bandwidth remain basically unchanged, but the energy of the high-frequency component is attenuated and the bandwidth is narrowed. According to the above research, a small integrated round-head hammer was designed and non-destructive testing experiments were carried out, which showed that the hammer could obtain high-quality seismic signals and realize the detection and imaging of the tunnel inverted arch bottom interface, and the imaging results were basically consistent with the actual construction situation. In this work, the study of the seismic source is extended to the field of tunnel arches, and it can provide a reference for nondestructive testing of tunnel arches.


