Studying the propagation law of seismic wavefields is the basis of seismic exploration. The finite difference method is commonly used to solve the wave equation for seismic forward modeling, which has advantages of low memory usage, fast computation speed, and easy implementation. However, in the case of three dimensions (3D), the computational and data requirements increase dramatically and traditional, serial, seismic, numerical simulations can no longer meet efficiency demands. This study proposes a 3D wave equation, seismic, numerical simulation method based on half-precision floating-point numbers and OpenMP. This method optimizes commonly-used floating-point data in seismic calculations using half-precision floating-point numbers. It also utilizes the OpenMP application interface to achieve parallel computation on multi-core central processing units by dividing the wavefield calculation region. This strategy ensures the accuracy of the computation results while effectively improving the computation efficiency of 3D seismic numerical simulations and reducing memory requirements by almost half. The effectiveness and practicality of this method are demonstrated through numerical experiments.