ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Computed Tomography Diagnosis of a Giant Ganglioneuroma of the Mediastinum

  • 摘要: 节细胞神经瘤(GN)又称神经节细胞瘤,是一种极为罕见(1/100000)、生长缓慢的良性肿瘤,术前诊断有赖于影像学检查,有时难以确诊。CT临床普及率高,在纵隔病变的检出、诊断中广泛应用,现就本院诊治的1例纵隔巨大GN的CT表现进行总结分析并复习相关文献,提高该疾病CT诊断水平。


    Abstract: Ganglioneuroma (GN) is an extremely rare (1/100000), slow-growing benign tumor. Preoperative diagnosis depends on imaging examination but is sometimes difficult. Computed tomography (CT) has high clinical prevalence and is widely used in the detection and diagnosis of mediastinal diseases. This report summarizes and analyzes the CT manifestations of a case of giant GN of the mediastinum in our hospital, and reviews the relevant literature to improve the CT diagnostic level.


