ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Current State and Progress of Coronary Angiography in Multi-slice Spiral Computed Tomography Imaging Techniques

  • 摘要: 随着多排螺旋CT设备的不断进步,使用多排螺旋CT行冠状动脉CT血管造影(CCTA)诊断冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(CAD)已广泛应用于临床实践工作中。由于影像技术的进步使CCTA检查的准确度大大提高,这项检查已经成为一种筛查诊断CAD的可靠的无创的检查方法。同时CCTA检查在预测CAD的疾病进程和心血管事件方面具有重要作用。尽管CCTA检查的作用已被学术界广泛肯定,但它有一个重要的缺陷就是检查的有效辐射剂量较大,这将增大辐射诱导性恶性肿瘤的发病风险。为了最大限度地降低CCTA检查的辐射风险,多种在满足影像诊断的前提下降低CCTA检查有效辐射剂量的方法已经出现。本文将回顾多排螺旋CT的技术进展和目前减少CCTA检查辐射剂量的主要方法,对CCTA检查在CAD中的诊断、预后价值评估和CCTA检查的未来发展方向等几个方面进行讨论。


    Abstract: Multislice computed tomography angiography has been increasingly used in the detection and diagnosis of coronary artery disease because of its rapid technical evolution. Technical developments of multislice CT imaging enable improved diagnostic value in the detection of coronary artery disease, and this indicates that multislice CT can be used as a reliable less-invasive alternative to invasive coronary angiography in selected patients. In addition, multislice CT angiography has played a significant role in the prediction of disease progression and cardiac events. Despite promising results reported in the literature, multislice CT has the disadvantage of having a high radiation dose which could contribute to the radiation-induced malignancy. A variety of strategies have been currently undertaken to reduce the radiation dose associated with multislice CT coronary angiography while in the meantime acquiring diagnostic images. In this article, we will review the technical developments, radiation dose associated with multislice CT coronary angiography, and strategies to reduce radiation dose. The diagnostic and prognostic value of multislice CT angiography in coronary artery disease is briefly discussed, and future directions of multislice CT angiography in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease will also be highlighted.


