ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Rapid Exploration of Soil Strata in a Basin using Ground Penetrating Mirroring

  • 摘要: 传统的地震反射方法,主要是利用来自波阻抗界面的反射波同相轴来刻画地质构造,据此获得地层界面、结构等信息。本研究提出利用反射波信息进行土壤层层速度快速反演的方法,将其命名为“地震反射探地镜”。该方法将反射信号自适应提取、均方根速度自动拾取和层速度快速反演相结合,形成一个用于近地表介质层速度快速探测和反演的探地镜方法。利用实测数据对该方法进行了评价,应用结果表明该方法能够快速提供地下介质的层速度和结构信息。在已知部分地质先验信息的情况下,可以将反演的层速度转换为土壤层的单轴抗压强度,为城镇的地基评价提供基础数据。


    Abstract: In traditional seismic reflection exploration, geological structures are characterized only by interpreting reflection wave events from wave impedance interfaces and then obtaining information of stratigraphic interfaces and structures. Herein, we present a method used to rapidly invert velocities of seismic waves reflected from strata layers. We have named this method “Seismic Reflective Ground Penetrating Mirroring (SRGPM).” This method consists of three steps, which are: 1) adaptive extraction of respective reflection signals, 2) automatic selection of root mean square velocity, and 3) fast inversion of layer velocity. The validity of the proposed method was verified with field data. The layer velocities and structures of strata can be quickly acquired by SRGPM. Combining this data with prior geological information, the inverted layer velocities can be converted into the uniaxial compressive strengths of the soil layers, providing basic data for evaluation of urban foundations.


